6 Ways You Know if Entrepreneurship is For You
1. Do you consider yourself a risk taker?
They say big risks means big rewards, but are you willing to take a risk. Do you normally avoid uncertainty? When you are an entrepreneur you must take calculated risks. When working for someone else you have decisions you have to make on a daily basis but the biggest / riskiest decision are coming from up top. If you believe you can take calculated risks and accept any consequences, then entrepreneurship may be for you.
2. Are you independent?
Entrepreneurs need to be independent. There will not always be someone you can count on to tell you exactly what to do or how to do it. When a problem arises, you must find a way to solve the problem and sometimes this means trusting your instincts. If you prefer to have the support and guidance of others to tell you what to do, then entrepreneurship may not be the way to go.
3. Persuasive
Entrepreneurs usually have a dream they are trying to see through. Their business is their life and you can see in the passion they exude. The ability to persuade employees, customers, and potential lenders is key. They are integral to reaching your dream and your ability to be able to convince them to join you, is vital to success.
4. Negotiation Skills
Some say that you don’t always get what you deserve, you get what you are able to negotiate. As a business owner negotiations are part of everyday life. Form lease contracts to loans to equipment purchases, you must be able to negotiate favorable deals.
5. Creative
Every business has a life cycle. For this reason you must be able to be creative and find new and innovative ways to solve a problem or consumer need. Where would Waterbed City be, if they would have not repurposed themselves as City Furniture? Who wants a waterbed nowadays? You must always think outside of the box and look beyond what is in front of you.
6. Support System
Being an entrepreneur is a crazy journey filled with uncertainty and surprises along the way. Though it could be very gratifying when you succeed, you must be prepared to fail. If you get knocked down 9 times, you have to get up 10. The question is: when you fall down will there be people to help you up or keep you down? There will always be people to try and keep you down but those close to you, specifically immediate family should support you if you are going to take the plunge of being an entrepreneur.
As important as these characteristics are to entrepreneurship. There are ways that you can be in business for yourself and count on others to have the necessary virtues mentioned above. Franchising is a good example. Franchise opportunities like that offered from The Zoo Health Club, offers years of experience and a talented team that have the characteristics necessary to have a successful brand.